Did you know?

Alpaca fibre was valued by early South American civilisations so much that it was used as a form of currency.

Keep warm

Alpaca wool is warmer and stronger than the fiber of other mammals, light weight, and water resistant.

Discover our alpaca wool products

We appreciate the rich historical discoveries and breathtaking landscapes in Peru and we want to offer these unique and unforgettable experiences to everyone.

Meet the founders

I'm an achiever of dreams, dedicated to uniting family, nature, and global impact into one inspiring journey. As I nurture my children and safeguard the Amazon, I continue to expand my horizons through "Travel 2 Connect," crafting transformative journeys in Peru and Latin America.

My spirit craves constant adventure, and experiences suggest that the greatest journey is in South America. Although this continent is abundant in nature, landscapes, and culture, currently, traveling there is still quite challenging. We aim to solve this issue so that everyone who desires can have the opportunity to be part of the experience.

I perceive Latin America as one of the most unexplored continents. While Latin America gifted the world with essential crops like potatoes, tomatoes, and corn, the true depth of this continent remains largely uncharted and forgotten. My aspiration is to bridge two worlds and fortify the spirits of minority cultures, much like the Estonian culture.

Our mission

Our mission is to connect Europe and Peruvian culture through affordable, high-quality travel experiences while also offering Estonian customers access to unique alpaca wool products.

Our vision

Is to be the biggest provider of high-quality alpaca wool products and increase the connection between Estonia and Peru, emphasizing sustainability and community support.

Baby Alpaca Wool:
Nature's Luxury Fiber.

Renowned for its incredible softness, warmth, and durability, baby alpaca wool is a natural treasure that offers unmatched comfort and elegance.

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